Chris Gallagher

Full stack Web Developer.

A to-do list application built using AngularJs and firebase.
A to-do list application built using Ruby on Rails.
A calculator built using javaScript


I spent the past ten years in the hospitality industry before I made a decision to switch careers. While in hospitality I was working my way up, but I did not find the work challenging. So I decided to use the money I saved to further my education. I quit my job to study full time. I did my research and eventually I chose to enroll in Bloc. I came into this program with an open mind and the belief that I would be successful learning to code due to my love technology, and problem solving skills.

Before the program, I started learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Once the program stared I immersed myself in the material. While I found javaScript challenging at first, through determination and practice I got significantly better. Being able to solve several codewars problems using JavaScript felt great and gave me the boost of confidence I needed to gain momentum in the learning process.

By the end of the program I completed 14 projects from music players to video games. Bloc has a great curriculum that helps get you started with the first few projects. They provide a lot of the code with detailed explanations of how everything works. However, Bloc quickly takes the training wheels off and forces you to solve problems with minimal guidance. The projects here on my portfolio were built by myself with either no guidance from Bloc, or Bloc provided just the user stories.

I eventually landed a job with Reynolds and Reynolds in October of 2018. Reynolds and Reynolds is a company that develops software for the automotive deslership industry. I worked on the BSD team where we developed software for internal use. By January of 2019 I was given the responibility of developing an entirely new application to help facilitate the onboarding process for new hires at the company.

I wanted to return home to CT. So I got a job with One MNET Health, One Medical Passport at the time. I spend most of my time working on the forms application. After my training I immediately saw ways of imporving the application. My goal was to remove the developer (me) from the process. I redesigned the application from the ground up. Once this was completed, forms requests from our clients no longer required a developer and were no longer tied to build cycles.